What happens legally after getting caught drinking alcohol under the age of 21?

Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016 by Brian Laviage

Hi Mr. Laviage! You helped a friend of mine out with a legal case and I got your information from him. I’m 16 and was at a party this past weekend when the cops showed up. I don’t do this very often, but I was drinking that night and was kind of drunk. None of my friend’s parents were home and they ended up taking me and a few others to the Harris County Juvenile Detention Center over off Congress in downtown Houston. Maybe you know the place? My parents were able to pick me up fairly quickly so I didn’t have to stay long. They were not happy with me.

Anyway, I just got my license 6 months ago and I heard that it could be suspended after a minor in consumption charge. Is that true? What else can happen to me legally after getting caught drinking at 16? Thanks!

16 year old in Houston, TX

Sorry this happened to you. You can certainly get your license suspended but I can help that not happen. You can also be charged a fine and be forced to do community service and take an alcohol class. I can work to keep most or all of this from happening. Let me know if I can help keep this off your record.

– Brian

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